How to get LastPass Premium for free 2022

2 min readMar 23, 2022

In this article, I will tell you how to get LastPass Premium for free in 2022.


Some of you know that, at the earlier versions of LastPass, you can invite your friends or use a temporary email to get 1–6 months of LastPass Premium for free.

But this year, we don’t know if they are planning to allow us to invite friends, or if they will never even come back. But that doesn’t mean that we can’t get LastPass Premium for free again.

So here is ONE way to get LastPass Premium.

  1. Generate and copy a temporary email from
  2. Go to, on the top right, click “Get LastPass Free”
  3. At the “email” form, paste your temporary email there.
  4. Choose a strong master password, and write it on both “Master Password” and “Confirm Master Password”.
  5. You can choose to write a password reminder at “Reminder (Optional)”. or you could just skip it.
  6. Click “Sign Up - It’s Free” to finish.
  7. You will automatically be given a 31-days of premium for free.
  8. If you run of 31-days of premium, then do the steps above again.

But how do I get my old Passwords back from my old account?

  1. Make sure you have LastPass’s chrome extension installed on your browser.
  2. Log out of your new LastPass account and log in to your old LastPass account.
  3. Open the chrome extension, click the “Account Options”, and click “Advanced”.
  4. Click “Export”, then click “LastPass CSV File”, if you are prompted to enter your Master Password, then type it and your export should be downloaded.
  5. At that chrome extension, login to your new account again.
  6. At the chrome extension, go to “Account Options”>“Advanced”>“Import”
  7. You will be redirected to LastPass’s Import page
  8. At the “Source” section, click “Select…”, then select “LastPass
  9. Upload the file you downloaded earlier
  10. Then click “upload”, you are finally done

That is how easily you can get LastPass premium for free, the same goes to remembear

